Thursday, September 02, 2004

9:30 AM Sunday, August 29, 2004

Very productive day yesterday. My daughter, Violet came from Belfair and spent the afternoon helping us in her old bedroom. We boxed up all my craft and silk floral arrangement supplies, the last of the picture frames and framing equipment, tools and hardware stockpiles, gift wrapping inventory and family pictures, etc., plus the odds and ends stored (audio tapes, letters, and so on) for genealogy purposes. She helped Phil carry everything downstairs and now my job is to sort (remove the items I will keep) and categorize, then clean and price for the garage sale. After the room was 90 % empty, we could see the carpet really does need to be replaced and the walls need some repair and fresh paint so Phil will be busy for a few days sprucing up that room getting it ready for new carpet. Even though we were working hard, it was fun having her here all afternoon ... a very rare happening in her busy life. Violet and her husband, Fred have three boys still at home and have been working very hard to make a success of their new business -- "Fred's Car Lot" in Belfair, WA. Then, to add to the mix, they have just sold their home (too small) and will be moving into a much bigger place sometime in the next month.

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