It has been a busy week. Phil has been working on his “to do” list for our Penny, going to some garage sales looking for e-bay treasures and even managed to get in a couple fishing trips with Les to local lakes. He also spent some time assisting him with projects that were accomplished a lot faster with two guys and that second set of muscles was much appreciated by our friend. Phil also had a doctor’s appointment for his yearly battery assessment of his Pacemaker. Everything checked out perfectly. He will go in for a physical in a few weeks complete with blood work.
My week was a lot less physical but I did have a visit to discuss my bi-yearly blood work (very good) and my medications (no changes) with my doctor. Now we both need eye exams and I have appointments for my yearly mammogram and a chest x-ray which I like to have every few years or so because I am an ex-smoker and my mother died much too young from lung cancer.
Sister update: Dixie came home from the nursing care facility on Monday. She is managing pretty well but the carpeting in her living room and bedroom makes it more difficult to maneuver the wheel chair. She will no doubt develop some more upper body strength as long as she has to use it. Of course, it may also encourage her to use her walker more which is a good thing. The more time she spends on her feet, I’m sure the sooner she will be able to walk unaided. Robin and Walt arrived in Olympia on Thursday for a few weeks in the northwest. No news yet on any continued treatment for her when she returns to California.
I am teaching myself how to insert a slide show into my blog and going back into my pictures to find some interesting albums to share with you. It is always a difficult task to choose just one or two pictures to include in my blog when I have so many good ones I would like to show you. This will solve that problem and I hope you like them as much as I enjoyed taking them!