Back in 2005, hurricane Katrina nearly wiped out New Orleans as we knew it and we were advised by RVing friends (who were there to volunteer their services) to cancel our visit to this historic city as even six months later we would just be in the way. Of course, eventually, the elected officials and the business communities of southern Louisiana and Mississippi began to campaign for tourist dollars and consequently Phil and I put it back on the list of places we will go see. Okay, it is now 2009—enter Gustav! I suppose there is a good possibility we may again have to rethink our route this trip. Our hearts go out to those people and we wonder how much more they will be able to endure before that region of the gulf coast becomes a ghost town!
This next story is probably more than you really want to know about Phil and me but I just have to tell you about our recent adventure because you see, we just love black licorice. As a diabetic, it is one of the few indulgences that I allow myself on a very limited basis. Our primary source, Cabela’s (many stores across the country) changed providers and the new product tasted like cardboard! We returned 6 lbs and complained long and loud, then, we panicked! Last summer we found a little licorice store in Montana that had a fair substitute. It is a bit far to travel to pick up a bag or two and truthfully, it wasn’t the same. When we arrived back in Washington after the cardboard incident above, we found a candy kiosk at the Olympia mall that had our Australian Kookaburra Licorice and we were ecstatic. When we returned to buy more, they were sold out and according to an insipid sales clerk, they had no idea when they would receive another shipment. Then, ever vigilant, I found The Vermont Country Store catalog on line and ordered a couple pounds from them through the mail. It was okay but a bit too sticky and we were beginning to think our luck was running out. In passing, we mentioned our dilemma to friends, Sandy and Ray and they sent us to the big grocery outlet called Top Foods in Olympia. This store has a bulk candy section and … guess what? After shelling out $7.49 lb. (total $32.73 with tax), we came home and I vacuum sealed seven bags of our delicious addiction—probably enough to last us a few months! Thanks for the tip you two and since we bought out the store, I hope they restock before you go back to replenish your supply!
It has been a busy, busy but fun week! After updating the blog last Sunday, I spent the day scanning genealogy pictures and documents I had borrowed from my Aunt Beverly. On Monday our dear granddaughter, Sara came back to visit for a few hours and we said our goodbyes since we probably won’t see her again before we leave. We also took a quick trip to Wal*Mart to pick up a couple prescriptions and buy a new 3 in 1 HP Printer for me. It is similar to my old one but has just enough changes that I am now on a learning curve to figure out how to operate it. On Tuesday, Phil went back for a follow-up eye exam and thankfully, the pressure they found has lessened and no further action is necessary. After running a few errands (Lowe’s and Top Foods) we delivered the old printer to Dixie and Phil hooked it up. While visiting we gave her some computer operating tips and plan another tutorial session tomorrow afternoon.
Our friends, Joan and Charlie joined us on Wednesday for a fabulous seafood lunch at our favorite restaurant, the buffet at Little Creek Casino. As usual, it was spectacular and it was great to see our friends again and have a chance to say goodbye before we leave. After lunch, I returned the stack of library books I had read and cancelled all the holds I had. I was still number 18 on the list for the closest one so I figured I didn’t have much chance to get it read before next Wednesday … LOL! We stopped by DMV and Phil renewed his driver’s license three months early for another five years. I tried but the limit to renew early is one year so I got the paper work to send for my renewal next year by mail. On Thursday, we did laundry and I picked up a couple more prescriptions at my favorite store, Wal*Mart.
On Friday we were taken out to lunch by our friends John and Carol. They will head south to their winter home in Maricopa, AZ pretty soon so we will see them again in just a few months. Thanks guys! We had a great visit afterwards at their home here in Shelton and went home with a bag of apples and some leftover wallpaper Carol gave me when I fell in love with it on her kitchen and dinette walls. I don’t know when I’ll get it done but now that I have the paper, the project will go on the “to do” list.
Sister update: Robin has completed three weeks of radiation with few side affects except some slight sunburn. Her spirits seem to be good and she is doing well. Although frustrated to some degree, Dixie is getting around better every day and working hard at learning to walk again.
We spent all day Saturday visiting with family and saying our good byes. I returned the genealogy pics and documents to my Aunt Beverly and we took her and Aunt Elaine out to lunch in Puyallup. Aunt Elaine has had some back problems for about a month and is not feeling very well but she has another doctor appointment on Tuesday for a cat scan. Hopefully, we will find out what the problem is very soon after that. The afternoon and early evening was spent with Phil’s son, Mike and his family. Our adorable granddaughter, Brooke (she will be four in October) has grown like a weed and I have added a slide show so you can see how cute (we are just a bit prejudiced) she is!