Saturday, June 04, 2005

6:00 PM Saturday June 4, 2005

I haven’t written in so long, I’m not sure where to start. Phil and Les have gone off to a place called Nevada Lake to wet a line with their new Montana fishing licenses in hand. They bought the one valid for an entire year because the daily or weekly fees for an out of state fisherperson would have cost nearly as much for only a couple weeks. Since we will be in Montana until early July, they figured it was the least expensive way to go. Gloria is in her coach keeping busy on a project or reading (I’m not sure which) and I am sitting here looking out the window at the magnificent panorama of snow-covered mountains off to the south and hoping to catch up on the blog.

We’re on a new satellite G4R but the connection is iffy at best. A restless night brought me out on the couch to keep from waking Phil and I watched the blue lights (five on the modem) burn bright and steady all night as I tossed and turned. Then this morning, they started blinking off and on intermittently, which breaks our connection if we manage to get online. Now, this afternoon, it’s been behaving itself nicely so I’ve decided to try and post a few pictures and write a few lines.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Aunt Joy
    I was anxiously awaiting an update so I was happy to see your new posting and know that all is well. A whole month in Montana? What a great idea - take lots of pictures, Steve and I are thinking of going through Idaho and swinging through Montana late this summer so I will be taking notes!

    Stay safe - Love you - Tammy
