The next morning we all met at Elaine’s place for a wonderful gab-session and Nada joined us. Phil and Walt went off to preview a tractor auction at the Dome Valley Tractor Museum for his nephew who is an apple farmer in eastern Washington. One of his hobbies is collecting antique farm equipment. Walt went to check out a certain model he was curious about. When Walt and Phil returned, we went out to dinner.
The next day we all got together again and had a “potluck” dinner at Elaine’s house and later that day, the phone rang again. Our good friend, Les was visiting his sister in southern California and had an appointment in Mexico for some dental work. He was on the road to Yuma and hoped we could put him up on our couch (which of course we were happy to do). When he got into town, Les came to Elaine’s and got a chance to visit with Robin and Walt and Elaine.
The next day Phil kept him company on the drive down to Los Algodones. When they got home the three of us went to Golden Corral for a wonderful lunch and Les headed back to California.
We came home and realized after three wonderful family and friend filled days, we had not taken one picture the whole weekend! Unbelievable . . .