My unfortunate choice of words last week in the title of my blog was a bit confusing since I didn’t mention anything about our odyssey in the text. It made perfect sense to me but obviously left some of my readers scratching their heads. Maybe this next post will help clear up the mix-up.
I keep a log of our mileage in a small notebook and as you can imagine since we started full timing, I have filled several of these and put them away in a safe place … do you know where I’m going with this? Thinking it might be of interest, I planned to give you our exact mileage since we last parked here in Shelton but that is not to be. Those notebooks have apparently grown legs and are on their own odyssey. How does one lose something in 200 square feet? It isn’t easy but it can be done! However, I know they will be found and when they are, I will make a note of our last mileage FYI.
In 2008, we were parked at our dear friends, Gloria and Les’s home in Shelton from June 3 to September 3 … exactly three months. We drove south along the Oregon and California coast then east across the southern United States through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to Arkansas. We made a side trip to Tennessee then backtracked into Missouri and into Iowa on our way to Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula. Our trek took us south in Michigan to Ohio then east to New York and Pennsylvania then back into Ohio. We moved southeast through Kentucky, eastern Tennessee with a quick trip into West Virginia then southwest into Alabama then south into the panhandle of Florida. Our winter stop was 20 miles SW of Orlando until we left to travel west once again 16 April 2010. Our trek back to WA followed the same southern route only in the opposite direction and we arrived back in Shelton May 22nd after being away from our family and friends for almost two years (21 months actually) and covering somewhere between 12 and 14 thousand miles.
It is very good to be back after being gone so long.
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time …
I keep a log of our mileage in a small notebook and as you can imagine since we started full timing, I have filled several of these and put them away in a safe place … do you know where I’m going with this? Thinking it might be of interest, I planned to give you our exact mileage since we last parked here in Shelton but that is not to be. Those notebooks have apparently grown legs and are on their own odyssey. How does one lose something in 200 square feet? It isn’t easy but it can be done! However, I know they will be found and when they are, I will make a note of our last mileage FYI.
In 2008, we were parked at our dear friends, Gloria and Les’s home in Shelton from June 3 to September 3 … exactly three months. We drove south along the Oregon and California coast then east across the southern United States through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to Arkansas. We made a side trip to Tennessee then backtracked into Missouri and into Iowa on our way to Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula. Our trek took us south in Michigan to Ohio then east to New York and Pennsylvania then back into Ohio. We moved southeast through Kentucky, eastern Tennessee with a quick trip into West Virginia then southwest into Alabama then south into the panhandle of Florida. Our winter stop was 20 miles SW of Orlando until we left to travel west once again 16 April 2010. Our trek back to WA followed the same southern route only in the opposite direction and we arrived back in Shelton May 22nd after being away from our family and friends for almost two years (21 months actually) and covering somewhere between 12 and 14 thousand miles.
It is very good to be back after being gone so long.
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time …