Sunday, June 22, 2008


Shelton weather: At 8:30 am it is up to 60 degrees. Six days of sunshine are in the forecast … with a couple days in the 70s and maybe even the low 80s. Okay! That’s more like it!

I actually wore shorts and sandals for the last two days and look forward to a few more days in the same wardrobe. So … I’ll keep you posted.

My thanks to the readers who left comments last week. Your thoughts are most welcome and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your interest in my blog and our great adventure. I wish there was some way to thank you individually (off line) but blogger protects your privacy and does not include your e-mail address when publishing your comment. That is of course, a good thing and leaves me with only the recourse of thanking you publicly so ... THANKS again!

Another busy week including lunch with daughter, Violet and her husband, Fred in Belfair; dinners with friends; dropping by to see daughter, Bobbie at work; Phil going to garage sales; doing laundry; having my blood drawn in preparation for my yearly doctor visit next week; Phil cooking another spectacular spaghetti dinner to serve at Gloria and Les’s house for dinner and a card party with my sister, Dixie and her husband, Paul.

That’s right! Dixie is feeling better every day and continues to get out and about in her wheel chair. It looks like if all goes as planned, she will be released from the nursing home on Monday. She is somewhat melancholy about leaving all of her newly gained friends that work at the facility but she is also excited about being at home during the remainder of her recuperation. Since I am the only non-card player in the group (I do not have a drop of competitive spirit in my soul and only play for the camaraderie), it was (as usual) a fun evening and Gloria was the big winner of the night.

Phil and Les managed a day out fishing this past Friday and as usual, they ‘knocked them dead” so to speak. These guys obviously figured out how to find the big ones and I have been teasing them about the lack of challenge. My thoughts are that they should learn how to fly fish but so far – they are not amenable to my ideas.

Phil and I rarely make plans more than a few weeks ahead at any one time but I will tell you a little secret. We are playing with the idea of heading to the eastern half of the USA next spring and although it is still only in the earliest stage of our travel planning, the seed has been planted. Of course, we will need clean bills of health from our doctors and will have to resign ourselves to missing a summer here in Shelton with our friends and family but if we decide it is “a go” I'm sure everything will fall into place. We have even had positive feedback from some family members saying they might join us for a week here and there. The high gas prices, the weather including heat waves, hail storms, floods, tornadoes and probably hurricanes all add a less than positive approach to our travels however, we refuse to let these negatives keep us from continuing our great adventure.

No pictures this week but here are some THOUGHTS FOR TODAY:

Three essentials to happiness in life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. (Nick Russell-Gypsy Journal-6-22-08)

There are two types of roads in our country. One is under construction and the other is under repair.

Yesterday is experience, tomorrow is hope, today is getting from one to the other.

May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.

A penny saved is a government oversight.

And my favorite:
A gossip is one who talks to you about others; a bore is one who talks to you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself.

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