Monday, November 13, 2006

Our little corner of the park. Not too roomy but we don't need much.  Posted by Picasa


  1. Hi Joy and Phil,

    Could we see some more photos of your RV park? Is the rent high this time of year? It was in the 30's during the last two nights here in TN...I wish I were with you guys!

    Margie in TN

  2. We are in the bay area of California for two more days and heading south to Las Vegas.

  3. I found y'all from Hitchitch.

    I have to say after going through your archives - you are one very special person! I ADORE YOU! [Phil is a plum too!] but since you write these missives...I just have to say.

    I love the way you see great in everything - that your adventure is everything Skippyhusband and I want for ourselves [if we could ever stop having babies..giggle!] Seriously...your blog from start to finish has been the most uplifting, wonderful blog I think I have ever read....

    You have the perfect attitude, not only for life, but for RVing....

    I can see why you have so many friends and why your family adores you [the baby at the beginning ...b/f you moved...GORGEOUS! she must be 2 now! hee...]

    Hugs to you and Phil.
    You both are adorable and I love this blog...keep up the sunshine and happiness. I will be back often.

