Sunday, July 25, 2004

July 25, 2004--Welcome! So glad you stopped by!

At last, here it is … our long awaited website and link between Phil and Joy, our family and friends and maybe even an occasional curious surfer.  Hopefully, now that it is launched, I’ll be able to please the misanthropists among you who believe my e-mails have been much too frequent as well as excessively long winded and my wonderfully vocal supporters who promptly respond and cheer me on.  Now, you can read about the happy times as well as the struggles we undergo as we work toward our retirement goal of fulltime Rving.  Many think we’ve lost our minds but more often, we hear “I’d love to do that someday.”  Well, dear ones, our “someday” is just around the corner so check in often at your convenience and remember, we welcome your comments and suggestions.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Julie & Phil, so glad to be included in your emails and now your website! I enjoy hearing about you and your progress as you start on a new lifestyle.
    Are you gong to wait till the house sells, or are you just about ready to start driving?
    Shari & Tim

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Hey Joy,
    You and Phil are really making progress. I'm still just trying to get all of the "stuff" I've collected in a computer file and in a scrapbook. I can't imagine getting it all in a motorhome---more power to the two of you.
    Will have fun following your progress. Let me know when you head to Montana.

  3. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Hi Joy & Phil,
    The web site looks great!! Enjoy reading your sagas. Keep me informed.

    Leo and I are really enjoying the nice cool Kodiak weather!! I too do not like the hot weather. My family was not to happy when I refused to attend a family reunion in Oregon earlier this month. For me the only place to be in the summer is Kodiak, even Anchorage is too hot!!

    Love, Ileen
