Saturday, December 01, 2007

8:35 am Saturday December 1, 2007

We have a full day planned tomorrow (Sunday) starting early in the morning so knowing I will not have time before we leave the MH, I am going to publish my weekly post today—a day early. We have been drenched with rain and blown away by wind since yesterday afternoon but this morning, the rain has stopped leaving the wind to blow itself out (hopefully). It seemed so strange yesterday to be in the southwest in 70 degree weather while driving in a deluge complete with flooded streets! When I went to bed last night, it sounded like we were parked under a waterfall. My overactive anxiety kicked in and worrying about the coach roof springing a leak (or ten) kept me from sleeping soundly and after I woke up at 3:30 am, I could not go back to sleep. I gave up and GOT UP at 6 am to write this post. See how important you all are to me … I give up sleep to stay in touch!

A long-time close friend is in the process of writing their autobiography complete with many pages of family pictures. At the request of one of their adult children who had questions that only a parent could answer, they decided to write the story of their life. I cannot tell you how long the writing has been going on but I can say that the first forty years is now finished. My friend has allowed me the privilege of reading these completed chapters and I must say, unequivocally, it is a work of art. The honesty and attention to detail, the language and terminology, the raw emotion including deep sadness and sorrow along with drama and devotion held this readers attention from one page to the next. Because I have been very close to this person for many decades, much of the story is familiar but many formerly unknown events came as a complete surprise to me. I am not surprised by the technical skill but I am impressed by the candidness. My hat is off to you my friend! Bravo!

Here are a few recent photos around Casa Grande …

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