Sunday, October 03, 2010


We continue to work towards getting our “messes” cleaned up and organized. Phil and I did not do much else in the week before as we worked toward and counted down to the big garage sale last weekend. Ever since it has been time to dig out and get back to the project at hand, i.e. renovating our new home base. Our sales for the weekend reimbursed us for all the secondary expenses (furniture, household incidentals, etc.) of buying our mobile home so the next sale (sometime before the end of the year) will hopefully payback a good chunk of the savings account that covered the actual purchase.

I must admit, we haven’t been moving very fast as resting up from long days on our feet has been high on our priority list. After four days, I was beginning to feel normal again and each day, my energy level has increased. I forgot how much getting these sales ready takes out of us. They are hard, hard work! But we (yes, both of us equally) do love doing it, which so many people find hard to understand.

Yesterday, after two and a half months of not wetting a line, Lester and Phil finally took a day off and went fishing. Gloria worked in the store (Rocks ‘n Rhinestones) and I spent the day working at the mobile. You will see the results of that fishing trip in the picture section of my blog this week. Les said it took over 30 minutes for Phil to get the smile off his face after this big-guy came into the boat. They brought this huge catch home to present to Gloria’s cousin as she had requested a trout from the next trip. Well, those two fishermen aim to please and Phil says this is the biggest trout he has ever caught in his entire life. Since he has been fishing all his life that is really saying a lot.

Phil had a routine doctor’s appointment on Friday and afterward, we stopped at the Olympia Farmer’s Market and Trader Joe’s on the way home. At the market, we bought two chocolate dipped macaroons that were to die for! We at them so fast, I forgot to take a picture … but they were shaped like donuts. Definitely, the best we have ever had and I would wager we go back for more one of these days. We also purchased some marvelous jam … one sugar free and one regular

Beautiful peaches at Trader Joe’s are ripening on the counter for a wonderful peach cobbler using Paula Deen’s delicious recipe. I’ve been using this recipe for a long time and it is a hit with the people we’ve shared my cobbler with over the years. The advertising over the stack of boxes said these are the best tasting peaches, Trader Joe’s has sold all year. Will let you know if we agree.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time …


  1. LOVE the fish :) You do great yard sales!

  2. Glad you made some money from the garage sale. We went to the auction on Wednesday...didn't buy anything, but the prices seemed so reasonable. No tools this year though.
