At my appointment last Wednesday, as predicted, my surgeon, Dr. Campbell gave me the “all clear” to travel and informed me there was no need for any more visits. “Call if you need us” was his final words when we left the office. My healing has been textbook perfect and he told me whatever I was doing … continue doing the same. Again, I want to give credit to the “Senior Home Health Care” here in the area. Their support and encouragement made my part of the wound care so much easier and gave me peace of mind I wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Our friends, Margie and Roger bought a lot here at Citrus Ridge. They love Florida and plan to spend the winters here on a regular basis. There is an old trailer with a Florida Room attached on the lot they are having removed. There is also some furniture that needed a home so we took possession of one of the Lazy Boy Recliners that just happened to be an almost perfect fit for Phil. Our worn our sofa bed has been put out on the curb for the trash man and Phil is very happy with his new chair.
Phil plans to put new rear tires on our Penny the Pace before we head west but we still aren’t exactly sure when that will be. When we know, I will be sure to let you know ASAP! There was many fish caught on the last fishing expedition but Phil forgot the camera in the truck and Roger couldn’t transfer the photos he took with his phone to their computer so you will just have to take our word for it … honest! Between he and Roger, they caught 11 bass and probably lost that many more in the weeds. Phil says they were all 3 #’s or better.
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time …

Our friends, Margie and Roger bought a lot here at Citrus Ridge. They love Florida and plan to spend the winters here on a regular basis. There is an old trailer with a Florida Room attached on the lot they are having removed. There is also some furniture that needed a home so we took possession of one of the Lazy Boy Recliners that just happened to be an almost perfect fit for Phil. Our worn our sofa bed has been put out on the curb for the trash man and Phil is very happy with his new chair.
Phil plans to put new rear tires on our Penny the Pace before we head west but we still aren’t exactly sure when that will be. When we know, I will be sure to let you know ASAP! There was many fish caught on the last fishing expedition but Phil forgot the camera in the truck and Roger couldn’t transfer the photos he took with his phone to their computer so you will just have to take our word for it … honest! Between he and Roger, they caught 11 bass and probably lost that many more in the weeds. Phil says they were all 3 #’s or better.
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time …