Phil cooked Lake Michigan salmon for me on the George Foreman grill and it was very good. I hated to go back to the nursing home but I will be there for at least another four-five days then hopefully, my surgeon will give me the go ahead to check out and come home. I am more than ready to sleep in my own bed and not have someone waking me up every couple hours for some Mickey Mouse reason (like bringing me fresh ice water). I know they have to do it but since I am a very light sleeper, it is hard to get back to sleep.
Overall, I am doing very well. You know that is true when all I want to do is come home. My wounds are healing nicely and rehab tells me I have passed all their requirements for release. My air supply is still a bit shy of normal but with additional exercise, I'm sure that will improve rapidly.
No pictures this week so I've included the one below of the lobby of a local Chinese buffet. We ate there just before my surgery and the dinner buffet looked pretty good. We paid for it but they didn't have it out yet so by the time they did, we were already full. Oh well ... I suppose we should have waited.
Thanks for stopping by and hopefully, my blog will get back to normal as my recovery continues.
Until next time,

I am so glad you are feeling better. I hope you are home very soon.