Good afternoon! Back when we were on the road, I tried to write my blog Saturday night and schedule it to publish in the wee hours of Sunday morning. That was after I tired of getting up at the crack of dawn to write the blog on Sunday. Finally, after coming off the road for a while, it dawned on me that I didn’t have to write so doggone early just because it was how I’d “always done it!” So this new post time will probably be the format for now anyway and I will get the blog done sometime on Sunday. I apologize to my east coast readers and all you early risers out there but much of the time, after working a sale on Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday I am lucky to have the energy to write at all and as you have noticed I will miss one now and then. In fact, just talking about it makes me want to go take a nap!
Our experiment at the Lewis County Fairgrounds was interesting to say the least. The four spaces we rented were in a big building with huge roll up doors at each end with sawdust floors. The weather was horrific and the wind blew through there at gale forces every so often. My sister, Dixie and I ended up with wind-burned cheeks from it and the cold. We each had a little heater but they didn’t come close to keeping us warm and then ours died so I went around the room and found one for sale for $5. It was a little better after that. Our sales were less than spectacular but we both made expenses plus a little extra. There were thousands of people but when they came through our building, they were all in a hurry to move on and get to another, warmer building to shop so very few lingered. Dixie and I have decided we may do it again this fall (they have two a year) but only if we can have our spaces in another building that has concrete floors and lots of plug ins for heaters.
All in all it was quite an experience and Carly and I even found time to buzz around and do a little shopping of my own while Phil held down the fort. Then, he went around with her while I stayed in the space and they did some more shopping. So many interesting vendors it would have taken all day to really see them all. Phil, Carly and I along with Dixie and Paul joined niece, Tammy and her husband, Steve, nephew Shane and his significant other, Megan, great niece, Jessie at Olive Garden for a celebration dinner. It was Tammy’s birthday. Seems like yesterday when she was born and I spent the first two weeks, all day-everyday with her while her mother healed a bit from her c-section. Our mother, Violet was working so she took the night shift. Tammy was the sweetest and easiest baby to care for so it was a labor of love for us.
Until next time …

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