Spring break is over today for great granddaughter, Carly and we must take her home. Forgive me for bragging but I must tell you this little girl (she will be 12 in August) is so smart, she scares me sometimes. She also has a dry sense of humor that throws me off guard more often than my tired old brain cares to admit. Once (or if) I get the joke, she cracks me up! Phil will be at a complete loss without her, she is his right hand “man” in all of his projects. I, on the other hand will welcome some quiet time as that is few and far between with an inquisitive and intelligent pre-teen on the premises 24/7. Phil has no need for solitude or quiet so he thrives on the “What are you doing?” or “What does that mean?” or “How does this work?” While she has been with us, we have been busy and she was a great help to my sister, Dixie and me.
I told you last week about the Community Garage Sale at the Fairgrounds in Chehalis last Saturday. I think I am still recovering from that but managed to generate enough staying power this past Friday morning to find and peruse all the garage/estate sales. We found some great bargains specifically for the upcoming sale in Matlock that is well known for its diversity of vendors. We lucked out and got a single space (10X10) and are hoping for a good show. This one runs two days. Set up is Friday and if possible we will have Carly with us on Saturday and Sunday to help. Our merchandise will tend to be more antiques and primitives as well as Phil’s fishing “stuff” which we are sure will be a big seller. Dixie has done this show for years and doesn’t remember any vendor that sells fishing gear.
Then, Friday afternoon, we headed to Belfair to preview the antique and collectable auction. We usually do not go to these but has promised Carly we would take her to an auction some day and this seemed like it was “the day”. She was antsy until the bidding started and after that, she was mesmerized by the singsong cadence of the auctioneer. She cheered us on when we won the bid on something and I think she really enjoyed herself. It was a lot of fun having her along and we bought hotdogs and chili for dinner from the Boy Scout concessionaire on site at every auction. Then I think Phil spent another $20 or more keeping her in snacks and sodas the rest of the evening. Phil bought some exceptional fishing lures that we hope to make a ton of money on at Matlock. If that doesn’t happen, he can always sell them on e-Bay.
Last week, our friends, Gloria and Lester shared a wonderful dinner with us of ham and lima beans with cornbread this past Thursday. It was delicious and even Carly ate almost two bowls full. We had a great visit with them and they both seemed to have adjusted well to closing their store.
As always, I thank you for stopping by!
Until next time …
