We have been having some annoying problems with our satellite Internet system (it is six years old now) so Phil finally decided to buy a Verizon air card as a back up Internet connection. He has installed a Cradlepoint router so we can be online with both computers at the same time. He is using it full time now but I am still hard-wired into the satellite system as well and can use either one. Once we are back in WA we may make some changes in the way we connect while traveling but that is yet to be decided for sure. For now, it is good to know we have double coverage since we both get grumpy when we can’t connect to the Internet.
Phil took our Penny the Pace down to the tire shop on Friday and put four new rear tires on for the upcoming trip across the country. He said the 1995 installed rear brakes looked like new so that was a pleasant discovery since we had to replace the front brakes last fall when they discovered a crack in one during her routine lube, oil and filter. He still has to replace the fuel filter but once that is done, our faithful coach is ready to roll. I have a doctor’s appointment with my local PCP on the 12th for a 3-month AIc (since I am diabetic) and then I am also ready to pull up the jacks and head down the highway. Departure will be just round the corner when those things are done. Phil and I both are ready.
Our dear friends, Roger and Margie have had their lot cleared and he has done some renovations on the electric and water hookups so they might just move onto their new lot for a week or so before they pull out—also heading west. We have not made any plans to hook up along the way but with this lifestyle, you never know what or whom you will run into when you pull into the next RV Park. They are going as far west at Utah before heading back east to Citrus Ridge for the winter of 2010-11. We hope to see them again for sure when they make that trip to Alaska that is still in the planning stages.
Sharon: The Finch Sock was purchased at Wal*Mart a couple years ago. I don’t think it is too appetizing any more because it has not attracted very many birds. Haven’t looked to see if they still sell them or not.
Lea: Yes, I have a chair of my own :-)! It was supposed to be Phil’s but it didn’t fit him so because I am vertically challenged, I got it and he got the couch – which he hated from the start.
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time …

I think you've been gone too long - you didn't even mention Easter! I hope you have a good Easter and we look forward to hearing you are heading west.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the birthday card - I can't believe my age now starts with a 4! Steve threw me a wonderful surprise party on Friday that took the edge off of being 40 but it is still a bit hard to swallow!
Love you, Tammy
So wonderful to hear you are doing so well. I keep thinking I will call you and then forget until its too late there. I do think about you so often. I will be glad when you are headed for home.
ReplyDeleteHello! I am working on a new website about Rving. If you would like your website link on mine just let me know. Blogs are welcome too! I am also looking for people to write articles on fulltime rving, rving with kids, must haves in the kitchen, roadschooling, favorite places to visit, and the list goes on. I can't... pay for the articles but I will give you credit and link to your website/blog. rvingwiththefamily @ gmail.com