Saturday, January 30, 2010


It has been another week of lounging about, reading and resting. I should feel guilty because this is an RV travel blog but even full time Rvers have some downtime once in a while. Of course, we have had every kind of weather (except snow) the past seven days. Sunshine, rain, wind, more rain then more sunshine and so on. Phil didn’t get to go fishing because his fishing partner had company all week and as I said before, handling his fold-a-boat alone is very difficult. I had a couple doctor appointments for some tests (no results yet to report), we did some grocery shopping and cooked some delicious home cooked meals but other than that it was especially uneventful around here. No pictures taken this week but I thought I would share part of one of our collections ... old theaters. Remember, you can click on the photos to enlarge them.

WORD OF THE WEEK: detritus. Litter laws are relevant.

Last weeks word: rectopathic: fr. L. [recto + -pathic] /rek to PATH ic/ easily hurt emotionally; thin-skinned. (Don’t we all know someone like this?)

Best Friends by Martha Moody

When I saw the title of this book, I was hoping to read and get pleasure from how two women might go and grow through life together and how their lives ebb and flow in concert through all the years. I wanted to find my best friend and myself in this book but that did not happen. Ordinary folks rarely have that much trauma in one lifetime and over the span of years covered in this book, Ms. Moody throws every possible obstacle imaginable at the narrator and her best friend. They deal with these impediments badly because of the main character’s self-centeredness and her friend’s infinitesimal grasp on reality. Their inability to see even a small part of what should be done to solve the problems was very annoying even though they were both supposedly smart women, one a physician and the other a lawyer. I did like the brief, diary type style of writing (I prefer short chapters in a book) but over all, it was very disappointing. Rating: two

If you have been sitting, stand.
If you have been standing, sit.
If you have been traveling, stay home.
If you have been home, travel.
If you have been teaching, learn.
If you have been learning, teach.
If you have been talking, listen.
If you have been listening, talk.
Annharriet Buck
Mind-body consultant at Golden Door Fitness Resort and Spa.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time


  1. Yeah, I know several rectopaths! good word.

  2. I love your thought of the week! Perfecto~ Can I trade with you? I'd take some down-time in exchange for my rat race! (: Vicki
